筆の使い方 how to use a brush

Calligraohy Lesson





















How are you doing?

Today’s topic is how to use the brush.

Some people use the same size brushes, but the ink runs out and begins to scab early.

When I see the brushes of such people, there are usually few folded parts.

In this way, you can’t show off your brush skills.

I use all the ends of a large brush.

The brush acts as a tank.

If you use all hair length, the brush contains a lot of moisture, which reduces the number of times you have to do inkovers.

The thickness of the line can be adjusted by yourself.

When you want to draw a thin line, lift the brush so that only the tip reaches the surface of the paper.

When you want to draw a thick line, apply pressure so that it reaches near the base of the brush to the surface of the paper.

It can be manipulated freely from the tip to the base of the brush to achieve various line thicknesses.

This is about the ink content of the brush.

In the inkstone, please soaked the brush in the sea, a chopper on land is used to remove the excess water.

※The reason I included water in the movie before applying the ink is because it is easy to wash it.

※In this movie, I’m using a brush which size is No.4. This is just the right size for writing 2 to 6 characters on B4 paper.

Brushes and other tools do not have to be expensive. The brushes I use here are for beginners and cost between 500 yen and 2,000 yen. 100 yen shop’s brushes are not very cohesive, but I sometimes use them when I want to make an artistic expression because they produce interesting lines by accident.

Thank you for your reading.

Have a nice day!

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